The DOE shares test results to help families and educators understand the performance of New York City schools in recent years. Examples of testing accommodations include-but are not limited to-large-print or Braille exams, frequent breaks during the testing window, reading the items aloud, or testing in a small-group location, among other accommodations. Students with disabilities who have Individualized Education Programs or 504 Plans, English Language Learners and some Former English Language Learners are eligible for accommodations. These accommodations mitigate the potential effects of these restrictions and enables students to accurately demonstrate their skills and knowledge, independent of these potential effects.Įligibility for testing accommodations are determined on a student-by-student basis and may vary by exam. Testing accommodations are available for students with disabilities or limited English proficiency in order to provide an opportunity for them to participate equally with their peers that do not experience similar restrictions. The list below shows tests that student take in high school. Certain exams may also be used by colleges and universities in their admissions process and to award college course credit. These exams may be used to meet NY State graduation requirements and to increase access to post-graduation options. High school students continue taking various NY State and local tests to support instruction, to determine eligibility for certain programs, and to provide information on their progress toward mastering grade-level learning standards.

These assessments continue to support their instruction, to determine eligibility for certain programs, and to provide information on progress toward mastering grade-level learning standards.

Students in middle school continue to take the various NY State and local exams that were introduced in elementary school, in addition to some additional tests that reflect their increased skills and opportunities. The list below shows tests that student take in grades pre-k–5. Students in elementary grades take various NY State and local tests to support their instruction, to determine eligibility for certain programs, and to provide information on their progress toward mastering grade-level learning standards.